Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 6 - Final Day at the Medical Center

Our Last Day:  Leaving our mark under the medical center at Western Paradise

Our kids offering supplies to the
principal of the Unity
Presbyterian School
Jeanette is the owner of the Coningsby
Inn and took care of breakfast for us
each and every morning.  She couldn't
have been a more gracious host
We started out the day with an early breakfast of fried jacks and juice before we made another visit to the Unity Presbyterian Primary School. Kids greeted us upon arrival, as usual, giving us hugs and smiling faces. We brought a suitcase full of school supplies to give to the children, who do not have sufficient supplies of their own. Afterwards, we gathered at the church for an early morning chapel service. We sang songs led by Pastor Betson and Mrs. Johnson attempted to lead a song of her own. The children were all so happy singing and dancing and “jumping for Jesus”. We were all dispersed among the children until the end of the service when Pastor Betson called us up to the front. We were pleasantly surprised when he told all of the children to give us each a hug. 25 girls and over 200 students equals around 5,000 hugs given. There was so much love in the auditorium this morning, especially when we received “thank you” notes from the older grades. Tears were shed when it was all over and we had to depart from the much loved school. We will truly miss the smiling faces of all the students of the school.
Assembly service at the Unity
Presbyterian School
Pastor Betson opening assembly with
his famous "God Is Good,
All The Time.....All The Time,
God Is Good!"
Unity Presbyterian School students
accompanying Pastor Benton at
the assembly
Patty Johnson belting out "This Is The
Day That The Lord Has Made" with
Pastor Betson
The kids coming up to the front of the
assembly to thank us with cards and,
most importantly, HUGS!
Sandi Penn getting a
"thank you" hug from
one of the 4 year-olds...
            After we left the school, we went back to the medical center to finish up our work. Forming the usual assembly line to clear out the rooms, and finishing the first coat of paint, we had a busy morning. Having finished the first coat of paint on all the walls, we headed to Terrence’s house for lunch. Delicious as usual, we had chicken, rice, and beans. Back at the worksite, we applied the second coat of paint on each of the walls, touching everything up, and making them look ready for business. Next we painted the floors in the bathroom and one exam room with the extra bucket of “gray green” paint that was used to paint the septic tank. Finally we painted our way out of the medical center with the red paint in the main room, making those our last footsteps in the medical center. We finished the job completely by signing our names on a board running along the bottom of the structure. After a job well done, we took a well-deserved break at a nearby beach. A few cuts on our feet later (from the rocky shore) we returned to Western Paradise to play with the kids one last time. Some of the kids had on their soccer jerseys that we had given them the last time we played with them. Soccer with the local kids is always fun, even Mr. Mylod got his competitive game on. Saying our last goodbyes to the kids, we returned to the hotel for delicious burritos. Following dinner, we had a great devotional from Molly B., Caroline H., and Susie F. about looking for inner beauty instead of exterior traits. All of the girls took their showers and had a relaxing rest of the night. We’re all ready for a sunrise devotional tomorrow morning from Addie and Lily as well as a long full day at the beach tomorrow. 
Kevin Mylod gets a hug
at the assembly.
(from left): Susie F., Caroline H.,
Libby T., Caroline D., and
Hannah G. displaying the "thank you"
cards they received from the kids
at the assembly
Patty Johnson with Michael (right) and
one of his friends after the assembly
            This trip has been really meaningful to all involved, learning from the people of Belize, impacting us as much as we have attempted to make a difference for them. Saying goodbye to all of their smiling faces and loving hugs was bittersweet, but we know that we will never forget them. Pastor Benton’s greeting will always stick with us: “I love you, you are special”. As our trip begins to come to a close, our team as a whole has begun to reflect upon the outcomes of the trip and what we have learned from it. This week has flown by so fast and we have all felt lucky to participate in such a great experience. 

~ written Taylor P. and Addie C.
Hannah G. offering a hug to a young
student at the assembly
Caroline H. putting a final coat on
the last wall in Exam Room #2
Jorie M. proudly poses with the official
Western Paradise Medical Center
sign she made.
Addie C. and Samra W. finishing off
the back wall of the main room at
the Western Paradise medical center
Conoly C. and Jorie M. were in charge
painting both bathroom floors a
beautiful army green hue
The front room floor painting crew
(from left): Miller L, Taylor P.,
Hanna G., Caroline D., & Sheridan N.
The main room of the medical
center, completed!
Caroline D. putting the final brush
strokes on the front threshold. 
Also left behind on one of the support
beams under the medical center.  Pastor
Benton spoke these words to
anybody he greeted.
The Belize 2013 Crew's final day
in front of the medical center

Assembly line on the final day of
the medical center project
Wading in the Caribbean Sea after
finishing our work at the medical center
(near Western Paradise)
Thursday night's devotion leaders:
Caroline H., Susie F., & Molly B.
Thursday Night Bloggers: Taylor P. and Addie C.

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