Saturday, March 2, 2013

Day 1 - We Made It!

We're Here!!!
Picture taken by Miller L.
Touchdown in Belize!  The the 2+ hour flight from Houston to Belize went without a hitch.  Collecting our bags and Customs went surprisingly fast!  Kip and Brian, our CSI Friends, were there waiting for us at the curb outside the airport and before we knew it we were on our way to the Coningsby Inn, our home away from home for the next week.  The Inn is a block or two away from the Caribbean Sea.  Temperature, 75 degrees at touchdown.  Ahhh! 

(Left to Right): Brian and Kip, our CSI Ministries Experts!
Other than checking in and having dinner at a restaurant down the street from the inn, we're taking it easy tonight.  I think it's safe to say that we're all tuckered out.   As it turns out, taking the earlier connecting flight through Houston ended up being the right idea.  Our original flight ended up delayed 1 1/2 hours.  We passed our first challenge of the trip!  All are safe and sound!

Tomorrow: Church and an excursion to Xunantunich!!
The Coningsby Inn ~ Belize City
The Belize Crew - 2013 in Houston .  Next stop - BELIZE!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Team! I am so glad you are there. Thank you all for your flexibility and patience at the airport. You all are wonderful. You are in my prayers! God Bless, Mrs. Davis
